Songtao Gui, Ph.D.
Researcher in population genetics, pan-genomics and graph genome;
Trying to solve the \( V_{Geno} \sim V_{Pheno} \) problem using multi-omics evidences;
Developing tools and databases related to omics-analyses;
Programming Languages: Bash; Perl; R; Julia; Python(Read&Edit); Rust(Trying);
Systems: Linux(Debian, Ubuntu, Red Hat); Windows; HPC cluster(CentOS7-based)
State-of-art NGS/omics-seq analyses: DNA/RNA-seq(Illumina, PB-SMRT/RSII, ONT), ChIP/HiC/WGS/ATAC etc.
Downstream analyses: Population Genetics, Phylogenetics, Genomics, Epigenetics etc.
Visualisation: R/ggplot-x, Julia/Makie, AdobeIllustrator, Photoshop etc.
DIY pipelines when necessary: Pan-genomic, SV calling, GWAS and post-GWAS etc.
Web development: more a designer than a developer, dealing with data more than code
Evolutionary > Functional: tends to understand questions through large data supports
Theoretical > Practical: embracing cooperations for making bioinfo-data practical
Research/Work Experience
Professor(tenure track)
Pan-genomics and multi-omics integration based Crop improvements
Wheat genomics and population genetics
Crop domestication and adaptation
Huazhong Agricultural University; Supervisor: Prof. Jianbing Yan
Study the pan-genomics of Zea
Study the genomics and genetic variations in Zea
Construct and maintain the Zea multi-omics database Zeamap
Developer(concurrent post)
BGI Genomics
PhD candidate
Wuhan University; Mentor: Prof. Yi Ding
Construct the genetic linkage map of Nelumbo nucifera
Study the genome of Nelumbo nucifera and comparative genomics among eudicots
Study the organelle genomes of Nelumbo nucifera
Study the CenH3 and centromere of Nelumbo nucifera
Identify DNA fingerprints for Rice germplasms
Interests & Education
- Population genetics
- Graph genomics
- Cool codes in julia
- Ping-Pong
- Cat
PostDoc in Crop Breeding, 2018-2022
Huazhong Agricultural University
PhD in Genetics, 2012-2017
Wuhan University
BSc in Biological Science, 2008-2012
Shandong Normal University
Major Projects in Agricultural Biological Breeding, Sub-task, 2024ZD0408001
National Key Research and Development Project of China, Sub-task, 2024YFF1000700
National Natural Science Foundation of China, 32470659
SDAU 811 Special
Taishan Scholar
SDAU Start-up funding
National Natural Science Foundation of China, 32000396
National Key Research and Development Project of China, 0120200395
Outstanding Postdoctoral funding
National Natural Science Foundation of China, 31271310
TaiShan Scholars (for Young expert)
Big Data Driven Crop Intelligent Breeding Platform, Winner's Price
1st National Crop Science Postdoctoral Academic Forum, Outstanding Award
7th Hubei Congress of Plant Biology, 1st Reporter Award
National Congress of Plant Biology, 3rd Poster Award
National Scholarship for PhD. students
: Co-first authors;*
: Correspondence
A Precise Chloroplast Genome of Nelumbo Nucifera (Nelumbonaceae) Evaluated with Sanger, Illumina MiSeq, and PacBio RS II Sequencing Platforms: Insight into the Plastid Evolution of Basal Eudicots
Refer to Achievements for more.