Use nutshell in my Franklin blog

💻 Nicky Case: an amazing person do interesting things! While playing with nutshell, I wandered through the author Nicky Case's blog, and BAM!, she really lives a person I wish I could have been! She is insightful and develops interesting things. All her posts are worth reading. Mark!

Setup nutshell in my Franklin Blog

The setup step is quite simple: just follow the nutshell's official documentation, and everything works fine.

🐞 But my style got mixed up: Every heading has larger top/bottom margin:

Find out the css incompatiblity for me (knowledge of html+css ≈ 0.1%) is nightmare !

But I just got it worked for me anyway, without knowing why 😅 :

🍏 Compatibility of Franklin Academic template with nutshell: It turns out to be the incompatible between the Academic Theme of Franklin.jl I used and nutshell's rendering. More specific, the article-style related css. Since I cannot figure out which exact css rule works, I just made all article-style related css unfunctional by modifying the head.html:

I changed <div class="article-style"> to <div class="gst-style"> so that every article-style related div in my pages were changed into gst-style (which with css I did not defined).

Updated 2022-09-16:

It turns out it is these css rules that caused the incompat:


.article-style img,
.article-style video {
    margin-left: auto;
    margin-right: auto;
    margin-top: 2rem; <!-- here -->
    margin-bottom: 2rem; <!-- and here -->
    padding: 0


commit out these two rules, and it'll work. So I change the div class back now.

What's more, I found that on some header, a nutshell hinter pops up when hover, which is not what I want. So, I need a rule to turn on the nutshell functions page by page:

🍏 Set a `hasnutshell` var based nutshell function switch: In the header of every markdown, there should be a keyword assign of hasnutshell = false to turn off nutshell functions by default. Change that to hasnutshell = true if you want to use nutshell functions in the specific markdown file. This was made happen by modifying the stylesheets.html to add a line of:

{{if hasnutshell}}<script src="/libs/nutshell/nutshell.js"></script>{{end}}

Now, everything just works fine for me 😄.

Test normal nutshell functions

The nutshell-contained below was generated with:

:x invisible hd1

text in invisible hd1. :hd2

: visible hd2

text in visible hd2.

💻 test test hack info
hack highlight
hack colored text

normal hd

text that refers :hd1 and :hd2 and plain text.

:x invisible hd1

text in invisible hd1. :hd2

: visible hd2

text in visible hd2.

💻 test test hack info
hack highlight
hack colored text

normal hd

text that refers :hd1 and :hd2 and plain text.

🍇 Notes on basic nutshell usage

  • for most cases, use the :x header grammar is enough;

  • : header will convert the header into plain text, regardless of the header levels.

  • the hrefs cannot be Chinese for now, but the link text could be: [:表头1](#hd1) works fine while [:hd1](#表头1) not;

  • the href calling could before the href defining;

  • the styles within the nutshell popup are gone;

  • the nutshell headers would still showup on Franklin's \toc contents;

test code blocks

nutshell code block :here

🐞 the highlight is a nightmare! Compare to:


function abc()


UPDATED: 2022-09-25 The reason that every format within the NutShell bubble are gone is that Nutshell force to remove any id, class, style ... attributes assigned to the html. After comment out the related codes (Those start with comments of // DOMPurify), and force the NutShell to use rawHTML for downstream work, every style comes back (except for Highlight.js based code highlights), that's enough for me.

Comment out these code may cause unexpected bugs, I just do it for my own using scene (which seldomly contain complex css styles). Be caution when applying to YOURS!

:x test-code-blocks


function abc()


test use nutshell offical tests

To write a section,

just use headings & paragraphs like this! Then...

To embed a section,

just make a link with :colon at the front... :LIKE THIS!

Details about linking to stuff

To link to a section on the same page, use a # followed by the text of the section's heading – capitalization, spaces, and punctuation don't matter.

:This example links to #ToEmbedASection

To link to a section from a different page, link to the URL, followed by # and section heading:

:This example links to

If you link to a page without a #SectionHeading, it'll embed the whole article.

:This example links to

Three notes on embedding from other pages:

  1. Not sure if you're doing it right? Test your link in this demo page! (Remember the :colon in the link text, and the # for the section!)

  2. Only embed from sites you trust! They can change their content at any time (but that's problem for regular links, too). You can mirror/copy the site to be extra safe.

  3. The other site must either also have Nutshell installed, or :CORS enabled. If you don't know if the other site has Nutshell/CORS, test out linking to it in this demo page.

Other Fun Stuff

You want to embed an explanation, but no-one's written it yet & you can't be bothered to either? Get the intro from a Wikipedia article by linking to it!

:Catgirl on English Wikipedia links to

:Baguette on French Wikipedia links to

:Universe on Simple Wikipedia links to

You can also link to YouTube videos so they can expand in-place. You can even specify a specific starting time – on a YouTube page, click 'Share' then 'Start at [time]'.

:Knife-Wielding Tentacle, starting at 0:36 links to

For more advanced features (like how to make a section hidden by default, get sections by text-search instead of headings, add words before/after an embedded snippet, etc...) check out the documentation!